compression fractureof the tibia plateau

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  • #6094 Reply

    I’m wondering what type of rehab you went through to get your mobility back and how long did it take? My surgery to repair the tibia plateau was last week – I am non weight bearing for 8 weeks and then rehab. I really don’t know what to expect. Before the accident, I worked out in the gym daily starting at 5AM. I am not afraid of pain nor hard work to get my body back in shape.

    What did you do to keep from getting depressed?

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    • #6292 Reply

      Mb melhorzin que eu vi nessa lista ae.. porem cade o ng o elf.. 1 crack pro neo.Nao sei se e9 culpa de voces ou nao..porem po vey eu como mitous outros que jogam tibia e nao gostam de ficar gastando rios de dinheiro pra ter 1 bot ou 1 p.a estamos sentindo falta deles :SSe puderem colocar um tf3pico um textinho ake mesmo sei la falando sobre isso explicando aos players ajudaria mto :DAtt.

    • #6130 Reply
      Tammy Barrett

      I had TPF, 3 months ago, nwb for 6 wks, I could only do leg lifts, no bending, i have been able to put some weight on my leg finally after about 8 wks, it buckles after 20lbs of pressure, I can now bend my knee at 90%. I can not afford physio, i go there about one time a month, she does a measurement of where i am at, says good or bad, i work more on the bad. She gives me the workouts to do. the large rubber to flex my foot, then a horse lead without the buckle to put around my foot and pull my bent knee into my chest as much as I can. I sit on the edge of the couch and bend my knee, and try to squat into the bend without coming off the couch, there are little tricks you will be able to do. There are reasons for some to bend right away and for some not to bend right away, it depends on your break and the work that is in you fracture.

    • #6096 Reply

      Hi Betsy
      I broke my tibia plateau and had surgery, 2 plates and screws on September 21. Was non weight bearing for 6 weeks. During that time I was told no physio, but to do lots of straight leg lifts. Was later told I should have been trying to bend my knee. When I had physio, I did leg stretches with a yellow band attached to a table leg. Knee straightening exercises and knee bending exercises. I also had to learn to walk again. Learn how to go up and down steps. Be sure to go to physio. They really help and know a lot of tricks to help with the many things you have to go through, as well as why it would be hurting at certain places. It has been 4 and a half months now. I still limp, but am able to walk almost a mile.
      It is very easy to get depressed, but hang in there. Look back at your small progress steps. Read the old posts here. We all seem to have some similar stories and you will notice that the writer’s breaks have improved over time. Also think that your leg is very important and this is the time you have to take for it to heel.

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