
A Tibial Plateau fracture is really not much fun, but it helps if you are prepared and in many cases doctors will not prepare you properly for daily life after your injury. If I had to give you only one piece of Advice on Tibial Plateau eracture recovery it would be: be patient. And in the end, it’s not as bad as it looks.

Below is a more elaborate list of time-tested knowledge and information on different subjects related to your Tibial Plateau fracture. There are also separate sections for the different stages of recovery (from the menu above choose “1-8 weeks” etc.)

*Note: this website is not intended to provide medical advice. Your doctor is a much better source for medical advice.  This information is based on firsh-hand personal experience and research*

What to expect – overview

You will be leaving the hospital on crutches, usually with a hinged brace. For the first few weeks you will experience quite a few different uncomfortable symptoms but these all pass quickly. Natural symptoms include limited range of motion in your leg (in the knee and ankle joints) as well as pain, heat flashes, edema and stiffness Some of these will be caused by the fact that you are not completely mobile. Things will progress from here until in the end you are (in most cases) completely able to do your everyday activities, but it will take some time and hard work.

Time to recovery

Recovery from a Tibial Plateau fracture is different from person to person. It depends very much on the exact type and specifics of injury, your age, prior issues, level of physical activity, physiotherapy, nutrition and many other factors. Given all of these differences it is still quite safe to say that for most people, if you the injury was treated by surgery, you will still be in some kind of recovery for a complete year after your injury¹. In most cases it will be more than that, Improvement showing up to three years after. This sounds like a lot, and it is, but I can assure you that it does get better and that for most people after a few months your the injury will not prevent you from continuing with you daily life and you will be able to do all your daily activities to some extent including walking short distances, going out, meeting with friends, going to work etc.

Weight Bearing

For a period of about 6-8 weeks after the surgery you will be NWB (non-wait-baring), this means that you can not put any pressure on your knee and leg and will need to use a wheelchair, crutches or both. For some injuries it might take up to 12 weeks until allowed FWB(Full weight bearing). Depending on your doctor and your specific health condition you will be moving from NWB to PWB (Partial Weight bearing) or FWBAT (Full weight bearing as tolerated). This period of NWB will cause many mobility concerns and will affect your daily routine.


You will be spending a few days in a hospital bed then progressing to a wheel chair and crutches, which you will be using for about 2 months, possibly followed by a single crutch and walking stick (see paragraph above – “weight bearing”). It could be up to 3 months on crutches, and up to 6 still using a walking stick (but usually much less). Also expect that initially you won’t be able to bend your knee much for a few weeks. This is called limited ROM (range-of-motion). Crutches are hard to use at first, and may be painful on the hands and shoulder, but don’t worry you will get used to them very quickly. And as a bonus you will develop very strong arm muscles. In some cases, overuse and pressure on your hands can cause secondary injuries to your wrists, arms or shoulders. If you are in pain from using crutches take it easy and use a wheelchair for a short while. You should also consider testing different types of crutches. Forearm crutches are usually more comfortable (then underarm) and come in ergonomic varieties. Today many advanced crutches also support ergonomic designs, anti-slip, and special features (link, link). Underarm crutches are usually safer then regular forearm crutches (link), but tend to be less comfortable, and don’t come with as many smart designs. Platform crutches might be good for people with a poor grip, but I haven’t tried them myself. Some crutches will also have shock absorbers to help your wrists and arms absorb shock (link).


All this will require that you prepare for a period of partial mobility. Things you might be limited in doing include – walking up and down stairs, house jobs (cleaning, cooking, washing), carrying things from place to place (no free hands when using crutches), reaching high and low cabinets, showering. At first, you might also have trouble getting dressed and undressed but this will pass quickly. The best way to deal with this is have friends, partners & family help you with everyday chores and prepare the house as much as possible to make things easier. A few things you could do are:

  • Get a shower chair so that you are able to shower without bearing weight (link) and possibly also invest in some big bags or drycast or other cast covers (link) so that you can shower without taking your brace or cast off during the first few weeks.
  • Be very careful when using crutches in a wet surface because you could easily slip. Even more dangerous is if the crutches are wet and the floor is not. Make sure to dry the bottom of your crutches on a towel before leaving the shower.
  • If your crutches are very old and the tips are cracked, replace the tips with new rubber tips. The come very cheaply (link)
  • Use a gripper (link) to be able to reach those unreachable cabinets and to be able to grasp and retrieve items you would not be able to otherwise while on a wheel chair (link).
  • Make sure that someone prepares food and goes shopping for you. Other options include ordering in prepared food and ordering groceries online.
  • If your bed is on the second floor, Consider sleeping in a different room if you find it hard to get up the stairs. You can also climb stairs with crutches, or sitting down.
  • High and low cabinets are are hard to reach. Try moving things around so that they are easier to reach. Doors on low cabinets can also be unhinged to allow for easier access with a wheel chair. They can easily be put back on later.
  • More useful ideas can be found in the “logistics” section and “Tips & Tricks


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Physiotherapy is going to be a regular part of your life. The are several goals: increase ROM, increase muscle-mass, teach your musculoskeletal system to operate as before and increase your stability. It is very very important that you start physiotherapy as early as possible and keep at it until you are completely better. This is the one factor that will affect your recovery more then any other and it is completely up to you. I’ve written a complete section on physiotherapy alone. Usually you will be given exercises to perform from your physiotherapist. At the very beginning you will probably not be able to bend or straighten your knee at all. This can be quite frightening but don’t be alarmed. Initially exercises will aim to teach your neurological system to control the leg again. It might even only be hours before you will start to be able to bend your leg, or it could be a few days.  After this, during the NWB (not in all cases) period you will be performing gentle exercises to enhance your ROM, strengthen your muscles and reduce stiffness, sometimes using stretch bands(link). Exercises might be done at home or in a medical center. It is very important that during this stage you follow PT instructions and do the exercises as soon as possible and as much as possible. This will reduce stiffness, boost recovery and give you a better chance at developing good ROM. When you progress to WB, physiotherapy will include many exercises with weights and machinery with the aim of gaining stability and muscle and to exercise everyday activities like walking. I can not emphasize enough how important it is that you keep at it (even if it means you go to work less). To be able to do physiotherapy at home you can consider purchasing light ankle weights(link).  For more info and tips, have a look at the physiotherapy section.

Medical professional

Several medical professionals will be involved in your recovery process, including the radiologists, the OS (“operating surgeon”), Physiotherapist and sometimes others. You will be having regular checkups with them. It is very important that you make sure your OS is a good one, and that you consult with him on every question you have. Be curious and ask everything you want to know. Sometimes doctors will not be generous with information, make sure that you get your answers. You deserve them. Seek extra information in sites like this one (more sites in the further reading section). In many cases the PT and the OS will be discussing your condition either directly or passing notes through you. Make sure that they talk if they are not already talking, but remember that when they give contradicting advice – the opinion of the OS is always the one to go by. You might also want to consider getting a second opinion both before or after your surgery.


Bone healing requires quite a lot of nutritional help, especially during the first 3 months(This is when the bone is healing), so make sure to eat well, and consider supplementation. For your healing to progress well you need to make sure that you get a lot of Calories, Protein, Antioxidants and minerals. During the first few weeks of healing your body will consume about 2-3(!) times as many calories as normal. This is about 6000 calories per day, so no need to feel bad if you’re eating a lot and very hungry. It’s all going to healing.

Protein is an Important nutritional ingredient. By volume, roughly half of your bone is comprised of protein, and you will also need to get a lot of it to reduce muscle atrophy as much as possible. If you think you are not getting enough protein consider using protein powder to supplement your daily protein intake (link), or adding protein rich food to your diet (meat, eggs, milk products, nuts & seeds).

Minerals are very important for several reasons. By weight bone is about 70% minerals. These are the building blocks of your bones. The high need for minerals will mean you might no be getting enough of them, which can cause other problems. If you are depleted in magnesium for example this may cause muscle cramps which are not much fun during a Tibial Plateau fracture. Consider using a multi-vitamin(link) containing minerals during the recovery process just to be sure. Studies have shown a lower rate of complications in healing in people taking multi-vitamins (link). The most important minerals to consume are Zinc, Copper, Calcium and Silicon.

Vitamins are the catalysts for the process of healing and are also in high need during recovery.  Vitamins that play an important role in bone healing include: Vitamin C, Vitamin K, the Vitamin B-series. Be sure to eat a varied diet and Consider using a multi-vitamin for Vitamins and minerals (link).

Anti-Infalmmatory Nutrients help reduce inflammation and pain. Bone creates a lot of inflammation which causes pain.  Unfortunately it is not advisable to take NSAID (Non Steroidal anti-inflammatory Drugs) during the bone recovery process as these slow recovery. Natural Anti inflammatory agents that may work to reduce pain include Vitmain C, Omega-3 (link) and others.

There are many foods you should avoid. Some foods will interrupt normal absorption of nutrients and their consumption should be limited. Some of these are:

  • Salt or foods prepared with lots of salt
  • More than one cup of coffee or other caffeine beverages. If possible, avoid coffee altogether.
  • Sugar
  • Chocolate (because to caffeine content)
  • Soft drinks and carbonated beverages
  • Alcohol (it inhibits calcium absorption)
  • Caffeine (it increases rate of calcium loss and inhibits absorption)


Pain is an unpleasant but normal part of recovery. You will be experiencing different types of pain and discomfort throughout your recovery. Pain might be felt in different parts of the leg, and won’t neccesarily concentrate only around the knee. Most pain comes during the first few days and weeks after the surgery. Pain management is an important part of your recovery and you should not be in constant pain. You should use pain medication as advised by your OS or hospital medical staff. If you are unable to use the medication prescribed by your doctor or are more comfortable using a different type of pain medication remember that some types of painkillers should not be taken for long periods of time(read the label!), and that you should never take NSAID as pain-killer while the bone is still healing. These types of medications will postpone healing. Brands included in the NSAID group which you should not use include Aspirin, Motrin, Ibufen, diclofenac, naproxen and others. Don’t use these. Instead use what is recommended by your medical staff or another medication that is not a NSAID. In some case, mostly in the first days you might experience more severe pain that can be treated with stronger drugs. This is normal, but if you experience abnormally strong pain or other abnormal symptoms, get yourself evacuated to a medical center as this is usually nothing but could be a sign of a complication. Make that in the first few weeks you have a bottle or box of painkillers in your pocket so that it’s always handy. Remember – liquid pain medication usually act faster then the tablet equivalent of the same brand.

Staying at home/Mental Health

You might be staying at home a lot and will be quite immobile for a while. This can get affect your mood very much and can at some point get depressing, especially if you are used to being very active. There is no magic pill for this, choose a good book, and a good TV series and try to regularly talk to as many friends, family and close people as possible. The proximity of  friends and close ones is very important. You might also want to find a community of people who have suffered from Tibial Plateau fracture before who share your experiences and feelings. There are several such communities, and some of them they can be in the further reading section of this website. Also, try to do as much exercise as you possibly can. Even if this means exercising while sitting or lying down. This can give real boost to your mood. Another good Idea is to start watching a new TV-show you’ve never had time to watch, or subscribe to online video providers like netflix or amazon prime (link). If in need, consult a psychologist or mental health professional. It is quite normal to be affected by a prolonged period of immobility and recovery, and a psychologist will be able to help with this.

Physical Activity

You will eventually probably be able to do anything you were able to do before your injury. However, this might take a long time (1 or more year for some sports) and you might have to be careful when doing extreme sports. There is a limited amount of things that you may not be able to do exactly as before, for example some yoga postures will not be possible with limited ROM, but you can always work around these limitations by doing things slightly differently. Also, you might experience some pain which will be limiting. If you want to take up a fitness activity shortly after the injury bicycling and swimming are both good options which will also help with recovery. Upper body weight training might also be a good option but will not directly advance your recovery.


You Might be dying to get back to work or could be in need for a vacation. Going back to work is something that very much depends on you and on your specific job and state of mind. Some people go back to work on crutches after 4 weeks (me, for example), while others might wait a whole 6 months.  There is a good side to going back to work (aside from money) since you will be interacting with people all day long and will not be bored. The important thing to remember is that you must avoid overworking and stressing yourself out. When you go to work it is important that you leave enough time and mental energy to be able to do your physiotherapy as much as you need, to rest, to relax and to visit your medical professional. This will allow your body to recover. You might be tempted to sacrifice your physio for your career. Don’t do that. Your career will still be there when you recover, the condition of  your leg is something you will be living with forever.


There is no physical limitation from having sex as soon as the initial pain has subsided, but this injury can affect your sex life, something which you will not find a lot of information about and your doctor might not tell you. Decreased mobility in one leg and one leg which is half the strength of the other can naturally affect sex. This gets better as your leg heals and strengthens, and you will need to ask your partner to be patient as you progress through the recovery process.

On a good note

Tibial plateau Recovery takes a long time but at the end of the process you are looking at excellent recovery and usually a fully functional life.  Moreover, trying to find the good embedded in the bad, this injury can help you put things in perspective and appreciate all the things you have in life: friends, family, health, a loving spouse. It gives you an opportunity to stop and think about what matters most.

2,212 thoughts on “Recovery

  1. Good morning to you all. I was in involved in an rta with a taxi at a roundabout whilst riding my bicycle to work and the taxi failed to give way.I have susstained left knee tibial plateau or if consisting of plate and screws. I am 33 yrs old.
    This accident was a major shock and since being discharged 5 days ago the psychological impact has been more overwelming than when I was in hospital. The prospect of non weight bearing for 9 weeks is a sad thought and you really do appr eciate the finer things in life that we all take for granted. Chin up to all of us and together we can get through this.Mike Davey.London.

    • Hi I know how you feel fell off scaffolding 10 weeks ago sill can’t put any weight on leg had pins and plate in surgery got to have a new knee in 2 years doctor said he doubts I will be able to do job again because my mobility of my knee will be limited hope yours is not as serious as mine keep your chin up and get well soon cheers John

    • Sorry to hear about your accident, Mike. I am 59 years old and was hit by a car while walking across the street. Sustained a TPF in my left leg, in addition to torn meniscus, torn ACL, and a torn MCL. This occurred in December of 2015. I was non-weight-bearing for 3 months; however, after 7 weeks, I was allowed to put 20% weight on the left leg while using my walker. 20% weight is very little weight. I was only able to lightly put heel down on floor and then come up on toes while putting most of the weight on my right side, by pulling myself up using the walker. At 3 months, I was given a cane to use and told to walk. It was strange at first but once I built the strength up more in the left leg, doing my physical therapy exercises, it became easier. Now I am at 5 months and walking unassisted. I go back to my surgeon in a month to discuss the removal of the hardware. My surgeon feels it is better to have the hardware removed rather than to keep it in.
      Just wanted to give some advice. I never thought I would get through those first 3 months but between doing exercises 3x per day and going out to physical therapy 3x per week, the time went by quickly. If you have been given exercises to do, do them. I can’t stress this enough. It is so important for your leg and your future progress. Eat well and take naps. Catch up on your reading and television shows. Call friends and have visitors when you are up to it. The time really does go by quickly. I honestly cannot believe that it has been 5 months for me. At this point, I am doing so much better than I imagined and I believe it is because I performed my exercises regularly. You can get through this; take it one day at a time and you will succeed!

    • Mike – so sorry you had to join this TPF group. If you are on FB, there is a closed group there. Just search for TPF. I was active before my TPF. I was 12 weeks NWB and somehow I made it through. There were a few days, especially in the beginning when I was depressed and cried for all that I thought I lost. I would have a little pity party for myself and then get right back to doing my ROM exercises. It feels like you will never get back to your active self but know that you will. It just takes time and patience. As other mentioned, do your ROM exercises many times a day. NWB is hard but you will get through it.

    • Hi Mike,
      Like Barbara, I too was hit by a car and sustained a tpf and complete MCL tear. I’m a week shy of being 4 months post op. You WILL get there! I actually started weight bearing (though with a limp) at 6 1/2 weeks so maybe it will be sooner than you think. As for the depression, for me acceptance was key. Nothing was going to undo the accident so I knew I had to get my head around it and plow forward. Try to stay in the moment as much as possible. I also want to stress the importance of regaining ROM as soon as humanly possible. I was very behind in that realm and it’s been tremendously difficult to progress. I wish I had have started earlier. I listened to a lot of podcasts and read a few books. Helped to pass the time. Otherwise, just be patient! Though my ROM is only 113 or so and I limp a bit, I’m working out every day and it feels great to have some semblance of my life back. You’ll get yours back as well! Hang in there.

  2. Hi barbara mam…Iam from India..dnt knw if am given the same physio as urs…actually…aftr surgery i was wthout any physio for 6 weeks wth pop….aftr 6 weeks i was given physiotherapy…i dnt knw the names…iam dng it from 4 weeks….actually while dng the physio its like warmup nd am feeling as if my leg is freely moving but 1/2 hr aftr physio when my leg is free and when i try to fold or move it its painful…did u hav the same problem…i know that am askng lots of loads of doubts but no other option for me mam….if at all u have pics or protocol of ur physio plz send me to [email protected]

  3. Thanks a lot barbara mam…..thank u so much for ur valuable response…..i got hopes in my life bcz of ur reply…thank u so much….thanks…i was in mindset that doctors will always tell positive even for negative things….but now am really happy from ur response…thanks a lot mam…

    • I am 4 weeks post op ORIF for Schatzker VI fracture and will have my first PT appointment for ROM later this morning. My orthopedist, when I saw him at my first post op appointment 5 days ago, told me I could take off my hinged brace when I am lying quietly, but requires that I wear it at night when I am sleeping. I wake up with my leg quit sore, not just where my surgery was but also at my ankle and hip, which I think is due to sleeping with the brace on. How important is it, in your opinion, to wear the brace at night?

      • Hi Charles,
        Sorry to hear about your fracture but glad to hear that you are going for your PT. It is very important for your recovery. I can’t stress enough how much the continued PT helped me to get to where I am today (5 months post-op for a TPF, torn meniscus, torn ACL and torn MCL). Keep up the good work!
        With respect to wearing the brace, I was instructed to wear it to bed and at all times for the first 4 weeks. At 4 weeks, I was told to take it off when doing my exercises, both at home and at physical therapy out of the home, but then to wear it the rest of the day and while sleeping. At 7 weeks, I was told to remove the brace entirely. At that point and going forward, I was completing my exercises without a brace and sleeping without a brace. (When I went to bed at night, I felt better supporting my leg on a pillow so I would prop my leg up with a pillow underneath. I also did this from the first day that I went home from the hospital, with the brace on. I always supported my leg with a pillow.) Depending upon what your doctor instructs you to do, I would try to keep the brace on as much as possible especially at night because while we sleep, we can twist and turn and possibly cause more pain and discomfort to ourselves. Check with your doctor to see when he thinks you will be able to remove the brace permanently. It may just be a few short weeks away! Good luck and keep up the good work!

  4. Hi barbara mam…iam jus 28…i have partial acl tear mcl tear and tpf…now its 2 mnths aftr orif surgery…still NWB…while lying flat…how was ur leg…my injured leg (right) is drooping to the right side ie outer side….it is not cmng to straight normaly…if i hold it straight it is straight….and while walking on walker hopping on my left leg my right leg shud not touch ground…while hopping my right knee seems heavy nd moving

    • Hi D. Priyanka,
      At 2 months after surgery, I was 20% weight-bearing, which meant that I was only allowed to put my heel down and come up very lightly on my toes (leg leg was the injured leg) while putting most of my weight on the right side, using a walker. (I had severe callouses on my right palm as a result of doing this.) My leg was straight when I hopped or was just lying down. My leg was heavy, also, in the knee area. That was due to swelling. My swelling is much less now (5 months post op) and I am taking an anti-inflammatory as per the doctor’s instructions for the swelling. I never thought that I would walk normally again but I am doing so much better and I know that I will be walking just as well as I was before this happened to me. Just keep up with the exercises and follow your doctor’s instructions. You will get there!!

  5. Hi barbara….am feeling sad that there is another person who is also suffering the same pain as mine….hi…am 28 yrs…i also met wth accident and got TPF…mcl tear….also havng acl partial tear from 2 yrs….now its 2 mnths aftr fracture surgey wth plate and screws…plz tell me if i can bcme normal again…if i follow my doctor advice…till now i was not given weightbearing may be due to my weight…but plz tell me if i wud b ok atleast aftr 1 year


    • Hi D. Priyanka, I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this, too. I am 59. I was not able to walk, fully, until 12 weeks post-op. At 7 weeks, I became 20% weight-bearing but that still kept me fairly house-bound except to go to physical therapy, as getting up and down stairs was still very difficult. My other leg is not in very good shape to begin with as I need a knee replacement due to torn meniscus, arthritis and general wear and tear so getting up and down the stairs was performed on my butt. I tried hopping on this leg using a cane to get up and down the stairs but it did not work well so I used the “butt” method. I am now 4 1/2 months post-op and am walking without assistance and going up and down stairs normally. Was at the doctor 3 weeks ago and he told me to no longer use the cane. The leg is much stronger; not quite back to normal but definitely better. I can’t quite keep up with my husband yet, when we walk outside, but I do see marked improvement. My pain is very minimal and I only take an anti-inflammatory now when I need it. (Don’t take anti-inflammatories before the bone has healed as they inhibit bone growth. My doctor prescribed Arthrotec.)

      Are you doing physical therapy exercises at home? I can’t stress enough the benefits of doing these. I performed my exercises 3x a day, in bed, even after I started the physical therapy out of the house. I still do some exercises now, before I get out of bed, every day. Keep up with the therapy; it will help you tremendously! The time goes by very quickly once you establish a routine. I would exercise at 8:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m. and then again before bed. I kept busy with watching tv, reading, talking and texting with friends and family, and napping. My husband helped me with my meals and I actually lost 7 1/2 pounds during the 3 months that I couldn’t weight-bear! I couldn’t snack like I used to because I was mostly in my bedroom and getting to the kitchen was difficult so that helped me a lot. I was 50 pounds overweight before this happened to me and was on a weight-reduction diet and had lost 20 pounds at the point that I was hit by the car so I am now down 27 1/2 pounds, and still have more weight to lose. I honestly have to say that I can’t believe that almost 5 months have passed since this happened to me. Just be patient; that is what this injury/recovery is all about; eat healthy, try to establish some sort of a routine, and rest. You will get through this!!

  6. Hi all, fractured my tibia plateau on an Atv accident and just had surgery 2 days ago they didn’t give me much information for the first week I do have a follow up next week so I’ll be asking tons of questions but for now I am just a wondering if it’s normal to have swelling in the ankle foot area and severe pain around the surgical site? . I am elevating the leg and ice packs as they recommended but the pain medicine doesn’t really touch the leg just makes me sleepy. I am NWB but the doc said I can shower and remove the dressing after 3 days. Do I leave the brace on or off its just confusing cause there was no after packet. Any help is appreciated.
    Thank you

    • You will need a shower stool to sit on in the shower and help to get in and out: doing this on one leg is a big ask. As you have just had surgery I suggest you keep the brace on 24/7. I waited 4days after surgery before I had a full length cast put on (UK bank holiday weekend!!), the pain during this waiting time was significant and I was given morphine. Ankle pain and swelling is pretty normal too. Keep your leg elevated -the swelling will reduce during elevation. Hope this helps.

  7. It’s been 14 months since I had a displaced TP fracture. I got a plate and screws and bone graft and all that. I am still in PT. I am walking “fine” meaning only my PT can see that my hips dip because I put slightly less weight on my good leg while walking.
    I am just having a pity party for myself I guess. My knee hurts, from the moment I wake up. It’s not intense pain, but enough to get frustrated. It’s enough to make my back spasm from still being off center, even though I’m aware of it.
    I guess I’m just having a hard time. I’m so over this.
    Thanks for listening

  8. Hello, I am 1 week one PO tibia plateau fracture and torn up meniscus. Not sure of the degree but I think my prognosis is good. I go back to see my surgeon for 2 week PO in a few days. He only had to place a screw with no plate to repair but me meniscus was a mess. I have a good ROM already from working at home. The Dr. feels like I should only be NWB for 4 weeks only. My problem is that I am having bouts of extreme stabbing pain when bending my leg sometimes. It wakes me up and for several seconds and sometimes minutes, I can not straighten my leg out. It is awful and leaves me out of breathe from the intensity of it. Often i will have pain that my pain meds can not touch after this happens. Has anyone else had that problem?

  9. Hi D. Priyanka, I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this, too. I am 59. I was not able to walk, fully, until 12 weeks post-op. At 7 weeks, I became 20% weight-bearing but that still kept me fairly house-bound except to go to physical therapy, as getting up and down stairs was still very difficult. My other leg is not in very good shape to begin with as I need a knee replacement due to torn meniscus, arthritis and general wear and tear so getting up and down the stairs was performed on my butt. I tried hopping on this leg using a cane to get up and down the stairs but it did not work well so I used the “butt” method. I am now 4 1/2 months post-op and am walking without assistance and going up and down stairs normally. Was at the doctor 3 weeks ago and he told me to no longer use the cane. The leg is much stronger; not quite back to normal but definitely better. I can’t quite keep up with my husband yet, when we walk outside, but I do see marked improvement. My pain is very minimal and I only take an anti-inflammatory now when I need it. (Don’t take anti-inflammatories before the bone has healed as they inhibit bone growth. My doctor prescribed Arthrotec.)

    Are you doing physical therapy exercises at home? I can’t stress enough the benefits of doing these. I performed my exercises 3x a day, in bed, even after I started the physical therapy out of the house. I still do some exercises now, before I get out of bed, every day. Keep up with the therapy; it will help you tremendously! The time goes by very quickly once you establish a routine. I would exercise at 8:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m. and then again before bed. I kept busy with watching tv, reading, talking and texting with friends and family, and napping. My husband helped me with my meals and I actually lost 7 1/2 pounds during the 3 months that I couldn’t weight-bear! I couldn’t snack like I used to because I was mostly in my bedroom and getting to the kitchen was difficult so that helped me a lot. I was 50 pounds overweight before this happened to me and was on a weight-reduction diet and had lost 20 pounds at the point that I was hit by the car so I am now down 27 1/2 pounds, and still have more weight to lose. I honestly have to say that I can’t believe that almost 5 months have passed since this happened to me. Just be patient; that is what this injury/recovery is all about; eat healthy, try to establish some sort of a routine, and rest. You will get through this!!

  10. I am about 4 months po, accident occurred 12/31/15; fell off 2″ step stool. Surgery 1/1/16 have TPF 1 plate & 7 screws.

    I know exactly what you all are going through and I still have severe ligament pain, however I am walking on my own and finally ready to go back to work on Monday????

    Please join the fb group if you haven’t already it’s called Tibial Plateau Fracture Recovery. It’s a closed group for TPFers and supporters. This group literally helped me get through my injury.
    So many like stories of people who are dealing with pain, depression from not being able to do the things once did before the injury, advice and so much more.

    Hope you all a speedy recovery????

  11. Leaving this comment regarding my personal situation pertaining to this issue in hopes of shedding a little more insight from another perspective. Currently four weeks post surgery, less a few days. Suffered a Tibial Plateau fracture/crush injury. Top of tibia and fibula flattened, and tibia split vertically down the middle. I can not tell a lie…this is a painful injury! On the upside…it did not shift. Plate and eight screws installed. Almost three weeks of pain at a 10 out of 10, possibly higher. Extended elevated pain due in part to edema setting in. (Looked bad) Happy to say with nearly a month out of the way, my pain is down to about a steady 3, little more mobility, not much yet. Little more from zero, near zero. The positive outlooks in the posts on here are encouraging, time will tell the tale. Prognosis…three months non-weight bearing, plus three months of physio therapy.

  12. Womdering if someone could be of any help…. my story so far…..i slipped on ice 16 jan 2016 breaking my leg in 3 places,had a full leg cast on and was left all weekend as there were no doctors and then had external fixator on the monday was told this would be on for 12 weeks….at 7 weeks consultant wanted ex fixator off so off i went to have it off and was casted to just above the knee….2.5 weeks layer back to fracture clinic thinking the cast would be off consultant says come back in 4 weeks and only apply small amou t of weight to my leg…iv not been told a great deal about my healing my co sultant does t seem to ha e much time…..i wemt to a and e last week as was exoeriencing pain id never had before on my shim to which a doctor asked me kow long my leg had been broke and that it would yake a long time to heal and to speak to my consultant regarding this….i am due to see him 28 may i am utterly disappinted confused scared and every other emotion u can think of has crept in to say hello im worroed as to wheter my leg is going to heal or not and what is the worse outcome if it doesnt? I am 30 years old fit healthy have followed doctors orders, i have a 7 year old daughter to look after and having my elderly parents do everything for her is obviously not fair on them any help or what should i be asking my consultant would be very hreatfull as iv never broken a bome before and have now stopped myself reading awful horror stories on the internet 🙂 thank you manda

    • Hello Amanda, have you seen your x-rays? Ask to see them at your next appointment and ask for an interpretation of the result, that is what the image shows with respect to injury and healing. 12 weeks is a common timescale for a broken bone(s) to heal. During this time its not usual to put weight through the leg. If your injury is very severe the timescale might be longer. Like you I have found the consultants at the clinics to be poor communicators, which is hopeless. I am sure your leg will heal, but it will take time -months and months. I am now at 12 months and still have a way to go, but I can walk albeit slowly. Make sure you get physio therapy as soon as the cast is removed. You might need to push for this, especially if you are in the UK. My thoughts are with you.

      • Hi i have seen my xrays and the doctor in a and e said there was no difference or change in them from 4 weeks ago and to just speak with my consultant this thursday….i am feeling so down and helpless iv been taking vitamins tried to keeo active and eat the right thing but now feel like giving up from the day this has happened i havent been very well informed so will be demanding answers on the next visit, i have no muscle at all in my leg and experiemcing pain in my hip and back im guessing from not using the broken leg this is natural? Thank you for ur reply i hope you get better soon

    • Amanda, if you are experiencing a new, persistent pain, (especially since you can’t see what is happening because of the cast) I would try to get in to see the orthopedics Dr. sooner than 5/28. And, don’t leave until you have your questions answered. Write them down. Both your questions and the answers. It will help you during and after the visit. I agree with Marilyn about getting in to see physical therapy as soon as you can.

      • Hi i have seen my xrays and the doctor in a and e said there was no difference or change in them from 4 weeks ago and to just speak with my consultant this thursday….i am feeling so down and helpless iv been taking vitamins tried to keeo active and eat the right thing but now feel like giving up from the day this has happened i havent been very well informed so will be demanding answers on the next visit, i have no muscle at all in my leg and experiemcing pain in my hip and back im guessing from not using the broken leg this is natural? Thank you for ur reply i hope you get better soon

        • I am so sorry that you are feeling so alone and helpless. I know that I have been there. I pray for you. God is our “every present help in time of need”. “Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you.” Sometimes He is the best place (or the only place) to go in times of trouble. I am praying for you – for your peace.

  13. Hi my name is missy
    I have a lateral tibial fracture
    From falling through a flight of stairs at work
    Fell 9ft where I land on my right leg
    Thank god that’s only thing that happen
    Was in the hospital for a month
    I could not get my pain under control
    Still now over 9 weeks post op I am not walking 100% I am only putting 50% at times
    It has been a long road because of my other health problems
    I have fibromyalgia and back problems and sciatic nerve problems…..
    I wanted to comment on here so people know that are dealing with the same thing I am dealing with knows there is someone out there going though the same thing
    I just turned 30 years old and I thought this was going to kill me but it has made me stronger and made me find out who is really there for me in the long run

    • Hi I’ve got a patella tibia fracture after falling from scaffolding and landing on my left leg I cannot get my pain under control I also slit my cartilage this happened 9 weeks ago and still no weight bearing doctor has told me I might never bend my knee properly again I don’t know when I will be putting weight on it it looks like it is a slow Ealing process

      • John, I hope you are going to physical therapy…? They might be more positive/helpful about the prognosis of bending of your knee.

  14. Hi all!
    I’m a 21 year old college student who broke her left tibia up to the tibial plateau on Easter (so 4 weeks from tomorrow). I went for a run and tripped and fell on my knee (not an awesome story, I know). It was a non-displaced fracture so I opted to go with the orthopedist who recommended no surgery and I’ve been in a brace since. I’ve been optimistic, maybe too much so, about my recovery and am still taking classes this quarter, working and staying involved in extra curriculars as much as I can but it’s not getting any easier on me. I feel pretty in the dark regarding my recovery and I just wanted to see if there was anyone on the other side of recovery that could tell me what to expect? I get that at 6 weeks I can put “partial pressure” on my foot, but I have no idea when I’ll be able to walk with no assistance or when I’ll be 100% back to normal. Please let me know! Thanks 🙂

    • Elise. Sounds like you have a good attitude. That is so important! Sometimes the NWB time is longer without the plate and screws, as you don’t have that assist with holding things together when you do finally bear weight. Bones take time to knit together. And, there are two big bones that hold ALL your weight when you walk/stand: the tibia and the femur. So, don’t rush it. Your questions are best answered by your orthopedic group. Good luck with your recovery!

  15. Hi Cliff,

    I was hit by a car back in December and suffered a Tibial Plateau Fracture, torn meniscus, torn ACL, and torn MCL. I was operated on and I have a plate and screws inside and was non-weight-bearing for the first 7 weeks, wearing a Bledsoe Brace. At 7 weeks, I was allowed to walk putting only 20% weight on the injured leg while using my walker. At 12 weeks, I became fully weight-bearing using a cane and I am now walking without the use of a cane. Your injury sounds a bit more involved than mine was. I was able to move my ankle and toes immediately and went home from the hospital with pages of exercises to perform by myself in bed and also went home with a CPM machine to help increase my ROM. What I have learned is that every TPF injury is different in one way or another. Yours sounds more involved than mine was so your recovery is going to be different. Don’t give up! You will get there, trust me. I can’t believe it is already 4 months after my initial accident. Between doing the physical therapy exercises at home and the physical therapy outside home, the time really went quickly. I also was very tired and took naps.

    I wanted to comment on the nausea issue. I was sent home with pain medication, also, but besides the constipation, I also suffered with nausea from this drug. I stopped the pain med that the doctor prescribed and took Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and noticed a huge difference with respect to the nausea and constipation. (An ice pack works wonders, too, for the pain.) Once I stopped the prescription pain medication, the nausea and constipation went away and my appetite came back. I would also recommend taking a mild laxative and stool softener. I was actually sent home with those from the hospital because of the side effects from prescription pain meds. The last thing any of us need is to be nauseous and constipated in addition to all the other inconveniences that we had and have to go through with respect to recovering from this injury. Try the ice packs and speak with your doctor about taking Acetaminophen instead of the prescription pain meds.

    Don’t give up – it gets better! Also, speak with your doctor with any questions that you may have. The doctors/surgeons may be excellent at putting us back together but unless they themselves have gone through this, it is difficult for them to totally understand what we are going through. This website has been a lifesaver for me and I am so thankful that I found it. Good luck and do the physical therapy once you have been instructed to do that.

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