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cheers for the advice and personal stories, its nice to relate with other tpfers.

@jane yes its fully unlocked at the moment, i did ask they said to just move as much as it allows, no exercises were advised for me to the undertake besides the normal moving of ankles that you have mentioned. I havent been as active in the last few years interms of keeping fit etc…but i do enjoy running it sucks to hear that from the docs but i have put that down as a goal of mine for the future.

@elaine i dont have a stationary bike 🙁 but i see how that would help. its really frustrating because my doctors have not said what actually i should be doing in these 6weeks, all that was said was to move it as much as i can. I have a feeling my physio is gonna be painful i can only bend just slightly at the moment things just get tight and uncomfortable.

thank you for advice guys appreciate and wishing both of you a speedy recovery
