Reply To: Desperate, knee remains stiff after 7 months

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Our situations are so similar it was almost like reading my own story. Mine was a car accident, other driver ran a stop sign on Dec 13, 2013. Seven months for me also. I am still having stiffness, pain, swelling, my knee feels hot. If I stand for more than twenty minutes, my hip and back are excruciating. I have eight screws, plate and bone graft. All are permanent. I am 52. Although my surgeon agreed to let me try working part time, my employer will not allow me to come back until I am able to do ten hour days. I completely understand your frustration and fears. Seven months is a long time. I, like you, was not really informed on what I might expect. I know everyone is different. I was not allowed to bend or use crutches for over two months. I count blessings that it wasn’t worse, but it is still a difficult journey. This site does help to know at least I am not the only one when it feels like I should be doing better by now.

Wish you the best.