Reply To: Desperate, knee remains stiff after 7 months

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I am 8 weeks post op, plate and pins, and in my late 50’s. My fracture was displaced and in bits and pieces. My therapist had me bending my knee at 2 weeks post op using a strap around my foot and pulling it towards me while lying down (heel slides). This has been the most painful part of physical therapy so far and I do it 3 times a day at home. My therapist initially told me to do it once a day for 5 minutes and I wasn’t getting anywhere. My surgeon told me to do it 3 times a day for half an hour and while it was miserable, and I used pain pills, I am now at 120 degrees on the bend when using a soft strap. I start of gently and then gradually pull it in more and more and try to hold the bend for a count of 10. It is discouraging though that within 15 minutes of stopping y knee is stiff and difficult to bend again. I do drink protein shakes as I was surprised to find out I should be taking in over 100 grams of protein and I also take vitamin D.