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Hi Christine & Emma

I was also told 3 months at the outset so as you say, this is probably the “average” marker. I went back to see consultant on Wednesday and was delighted (though it’s also scary) to be told I could FWB and was ahead of schedule as bone was mending well and new bone growth good (that was a day short of 10 weeks post surgery). I can also lose the leg brace and am starting to walk using only 1 crutch for majority of the time though will take both when I’m out. I am feeling so much more positive now than I was this time last week when I was feeling quite down. As Christine said, emotions are all over the place but I do feel more “normal” now I can actually move around better. Hang on in there – we WILL get there – just hope that with physio etc I’ll be able to walk properly and without a limp………