Reply To: Anyone else experienced frustration with their OS's course of treatment?

Welcome Forums Community Forum Anyone else experienced frustration with their OS's course of treatment? Reply To: Anyone else experienced frustration with their OS's course of treatment?


Hi John

I am thankful — beyond words — that I live in Canada and don’t have to face sky-high medical bills. But parallel to that, I’m also frustrated at the rushed feeling I experience at going through a fracture clinic where I’m just a number on the OS’s daily chart. But I’m glad to hear the foot thing isn’t just me. Mine turns purple when I get up and move, too, but luckily, I haven’t experienced much peeling.

Thanks for the tips, Eileen. I think I’m just getting frustrated at the lack of information and progress, and you’re right: ligaments and tendons probably should be addressed after bone union. Did you find your medical team were able to give you the answers to your questions? Or did you have to keep coming back and back? I’ve got an appointment with my family doctor’s nurse practitioner this Friday, and I’ve started to write down a list of questions. It keeps growing, though!

I’m finding the same thing, Lisa, that different docs have different opinions, based on the medical journals I’ve read online. What frustrates me the most is the waiting time here. It’s not possible (or legal) to get to the front of the line by waving a bunch of money in the air, so the frustrating part is having to wait to both see my family doctor, get referrals, and then see specialists.