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Hi Michelle,
Sorry to hear you have had a bad day but it is perfectly understandable for those of us who are normally very active. I teach in a high school and I know that the earliest I will be returning is November. I am 58 and I also lost my dear husband last year so I have had plenty of time to reflect since 9th July when the 100 mile an hour dog did the damage. Bizarrely, I have been forced to think about my lifestyle. Since my husband died , I have worked and worked, not slept properly and neglected my diet. Now I am sleeping – at last even though I have had surgery and my leg is in a brace. I am eating healing foods instead of junk and masses of chocolate. I have spoken to friends I had neglected and I have learned to be a little more dependent on my sons instead of them always leaning on me.
I am watching a lot of tv which is boring at times but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I know I am in for the long haul so I have resigned myself to it. I try to do things for myself as much as I can even some ironing by sitting on a chair.
I do read a lot but not all the time. A KIndle is handy as you can download in seconds.
Do you have family and friends? I live with my son of 22 and he is my rock. He is becoming quite a cook!

Stay in touch with people on this forum. Since I found it, I do not feel so isolated and I value the advice. I think you will feel better when you know for sure what is happening.
Warm regards,