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First, thank you for this very informative site and sharing your stories. I experienced a Complete TPF in 2009 while vacationing in Paris (fracture occurred second day of the trip and spent the rest of the vacation plus an extra 3 days in hospital). I was advised that I absolutely could not fly with the injury and surgery was mandatory. An Orthopaedic Surgeon who was reputed to be the best in Paris (by shear luck of the draw) performed the surgery. After coming home, got the all thumbs up from American surgeons that the surgery was a success and were impressed at the straightness of my leg and the work of the surgeon. Non-weight bearing for over 2 months and was not allowed to flex leg for 8 weeks – my wheelchair, lazyboy recliner (kept my leg raised) and (of course) my pain meds were my new personal friends. Many, many months of PT rewarded me at 150 degree flexion (extremely happy with that!). I was always able to comfortably go past 150 and touch the back of my thigh – and still can with right leg – thank you to years of gymnastics! I had the hardware plate and 8 screws removed in 2011 because it was causing a hematoma and sever pain (guess my body was telling me my hardware wanted out). Surgery was a success, hematoma from hardware was gone and did not come back. Five years after accident, I still have intermittent shooting pain, cracking, stiffness and muscle cramping in my knee and pain/numbness in my shin. I’m young (okay, coming up on middle aged), but thin and in shape. I just can’t imagine still having pain that sometimes wakes and keeps me up at night 5 years after the accident. I am sure I will need a knee replacement one day. Sorry, don’t want to be a Debbie Downer for others who have had TPF, I am certain the severity of the impact probably results in the most damage and residual pain, and mine was deemed high impact. On the bright side, I can still walk, bike, hike and rollerblade. However, my running days are over. I sure hope I am never chased by someone…because “flight” is no longer an option for me in the “fight or flight” decision! LOL. Guess I better learn krav maga. I would love to hear from others who are years out from the TPF to see if what I am experiencing is normal.