Reply To: Foot ligament irritation

Welcome Forums Community Forum Foot ligament irritation Reply To: Foot ligament irritation


Well after 4 weeks /- FWB and of the ligaments on the top of my foot being irritated along with some swelling, I can report that the irritation is now only on the 2nd and 3rd toe and only extends about 1″ up the foot. The swelling is also reduced and I can also start to see the veins on the top of my foot as well. The ligament pain on the 4th and baby toe is now significantly reduced. Walking is getting easier and less painful. I guess all a matter of being patient and doing all the exercises on a regular basis. An interesting observation is the importance of working on balancing on each foot individually which I had not done in the past. I can almost see an end in sight, but still need to work on strengthening the quads and calf muscles. Dave