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Greetings and Salutations fellow TPFer’s!

My name is Ken. I suffered a type V TPF and fractured both bones in my ankle on 05 July 2013. I basically fell off my bicycle when the front tire slipped out from under me…

I had ORIF surgery on the ankle on 06 July, my TPF ORIF surgery was on 08 July. I had an external fixation after the ankle surgery that was removed during the TPF surgery.

I was NWB for nearly 16 weeks. I did some PT and have about 90 degrees of flex in the knee. Since getting permission for full WBAT I have started aquatherapy. I am walking with forearm crutches, I personally like them better than standard crutches or my walkers.

I will work on getting some x-ray pictures up for viewing. I have after the accident and one month after surgery.

Good luck to all of you out there.