Foot ligament irritation

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  • #2129 Reply

    I am 15 weeks from fracture and was 11 or 12 weeks nwb. Not doing too badly now with walking, exercise and building strength but I do have continued irritation of the ligaments on the top of the foot along with swelling which does not seem to be going away. Has anyone else suffered the same and are there any thoughts. Thanks – Dave

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    • #2323 Reply

      Well after 4 weeks /- FWB and of the ligaments on the top of my foot being irritated along with some swelling, I can report that the irritation is now only on the 2nd and 3rd toe and only extends about 1″ up the foot. The swelling is also reduced and I can also start to see the veins on the top of my foot as well. The ligament pain on the 4th and baby toe is now significantly reduced. Walking is getting easier and less painful. I guess all a matter of being patient and doing all the exercises on a regular basis. An interesting observation is the importance of working on balancing on each foot individually which I had not done in the past. I can almost see an end in sight, but still need to work on strengthening the quads and calf muscles. Dave

    • #2275 Reply

      Im almost 12 wks i also have a lot of foot ankle swelling it seems to come an go i reakon that once i am more mobile it will go back to normal once its in proper use..but for now i am still only PWB so i guess i will have to wait and find out my physio said to do the norm ankle exercises but it still doesnt do alot i also get alot of pins an needles in my foot when trying to use but i also put this down to it not being use properly… Using it properly also scares me..good luck

    • #2209 Reply

      Hi all,

      Today, when I asked my OS about the top of my foot/ankle pain, he said he could take an x-ray, but he is not a foot doctor. Great! However, a knowledgeable trainer at the gym told me that the ankle muscle goes up my let to where my surgery scar is. The OS cut the muscle sheath — part of the surgery — and this may be the source of ankle pain, especially when I am walking. Since my OS released me today, but told me I should never run again, I am going to try to get a second opinion on what is happening with me. I will keep you posted on the ankle and foot pain.


    • #2166 Reply

      Just for background, the more I walk and exercise, the more I realise the importance of developing the rolling walk off the ball of your foot and that is when I feel the pain. I think we really push off the ball of our feet when we walk more than we think, otherwise we limp. That and going up and down stairs where you either push off the ball of your foot going up or start and land on the ball of your foot going down. More exercise might well be the answer, but there is still pain and swelling around the top of the foot. My consultant suggested they may have disturbed the various drainage systems which is why the swelling. My fracture was a medial, fairly high energy, but fortunately all the cartilages are ok. Lots of interesting metal work and the X-rays are very interesting. When they moved the peroneal nerve bundle and other tissue to fit the metalwork, I had no feeling on the top of the foot for about three weeks. I still do have some weakness in the calf muscle which I am working on. Better and stronger flexion should help. D

    • #2145 Reply

      Hi Dave, I have been “attempting” to walk now for a week or so. Get terrible pain on top of my foot as well. It’s sore when I first walk on it in the morning but gets worse during the day. Started taking Tylenol 3’s to help get thru the day. Put ice on it too. Hopefully it goes away.

    • #2141 Reply
      marion gibbins

      word with her

    • #2140 Reply
      marion gibbins

      my swelling has just begun at roughly the same time as I started walking more ,will have a worh with the doc when I see her today.

    • #2139 Reply

      Hi, Dave.

      I am still NWB, although I see the doc in 10 days so I hope to start walking then.

      I get some odd foot cramping from time-to-time. My physical therapist thinks it is because muscles get so weak that any time they are asked to work (in my case ROM exercises) they will feel strained and irritated. She seems to think as muscles get worked and stronger, this will ease and go away.

      I wonder if you are experiencing the same.

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