Recovery Update…It Just Goes On and On

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  • #2776 Reply

    Hello to all unfortunate enough to be in this TPF club with me.

    Here is my Recovery Update.

    After being in a wheelchair and NWB for 15 weeks, I was given the blessing to start weight bearing and gait training on Sept 3.

    That was twenty days ago. I am now walking with a cane. I have a very clear limp and a very stiff knee. I can only walk up/down stairs one step at a time. It takes my leg approximately four minutes every morning to figure out that I need it to work with me to walk. I also have to spend a few seconds “thinking” about the actual walking process before I can actually take a step.

    My knee makes all sorts of POP and CRACKLE sounds when it needs to straighten or bend, which is pretty much all the time.

    I have noticed that I am (slowly) getting strength back in both legs.

    Because I am still dealing with the consequences of my Mid-May motorcycle crash, there are moments when I still cannot believe I suffered this bad of an injury. Yet then again, I can see that I am still here and I still have both legs attached to my body (in the early days in the hospital that was debatable).

    If I can, albeit slowly, come back after my injuries, so can everyone else here.

    Hold tight and keep working!

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    • #3337 Reply

      Hi Jeremy,
      I have been weight bearing partially at first and then fully for about 6 weeks now. I have been hobbling around at home for 2 weeks without my walker and my walking is improving very slowly. I use the crutches outside mostly for confidence now and in case I slip. I am a teacher at a high school and I have been off this half term and I will probably have another month off after I have seen my surgeon this week. I am not fit enough or strong enough to walk from block to block or up and down stairs carrying bags of books and files. The school feels I will be a health and safety hazard at this moment in time!
      The physio I have received on the NHS has been poor so I have begun seeing a private sports physio I have used before. He is good and I am confident I will improve my ROM with him. It is about 100 degrees now but still painful and stiff. I exercise a lot through the day and I use my exercise bike for about 15 minutes 3 to 4 times a day. That is definitely helping. I can still only climb the stairs one at a time as it hurts to try to climb properly. That could be next weeks target!
      I may get back into school before Christmas for a week or two but this whole situation has given me a lot of time to reflect.
      I lost my husband last year and I am 58 so I have decided to take early retirement so I can have some ME time. No more endless hours marking and preparing and stressful targets!
      I genuinely believe it will take me about 6 months before I feel anywhere near back to normal so I am giving myself time. From what others have written on this forum, I think it is important to get good physio. It sounds like you need to improve that ROM as that will help you to walk. That was my conclusion about myself. I have some fluid around my knee and it is still bent as my extension still needs work. Hence the private physio.
      I have also learned that patience is important and that no two tpfs are the same.
      I wish you all the best with your recovery. I hope it goes well for you.
      Lesley (UK)

    • #3314 Reply
      Jeremy p

      Hey there, I’m kind of in the same boat. I have about 5 plates and countless pins in my leg and was cleared to start weight baring about a month ago, since I haven’t had much success in ROM past 55 degrees and have to crutch my way around. Just kind of wondering how much longer until you are expecting to be able to return to work and what some short term goals would be from here.

    • #2784 Reply
      Lesley peacock

      Hi Lisa,
      Well done to you. It’s obvious you are getting there and you are giving me great hope as you are ahead of me. I am just 5 days out of my leg brace and really working on getting my leg to bend more. It is so stiff and my muscles feel as if they are cramping but I have tried my exercise bike and that feels good although it hurts afterwards. I still need support with the crutches and walker. I think it is my brain that is the problem. It does not want to accept that I can move without leaning on something! I’ m hoping that will improve over the next couple of weeks. My tpf is nowhere near as bad as yours – you are my inspiration today. Thank you. Best wishes for continued healing and full recovery.

    • #2781 Reply

      Ohhh, September 3rd was a big day for you – congratulations!! Getting back on your feet feels like the greatest thing in the world, especially after so many weeks in a wheelchair (although wheeling around gets major sympathy votes!)

      I totally get what you mean about the lingering effects. I had a couple of amazing weeks where the trajectory was all up, and now it’s the crackle, pop and stiffness.

      But you sound like you’re doing great! Happy to hear of your news 🙂

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